Throughout the years, ALMS has accomplished many of these Great Works by the Hand of the Lord and by Networking and Co-Laboring together, along-side of the various Ministries below:
YWAM Missionary James volunteered and assisted YWAM on their first 2-years of short-term trips to Haiti, starting back in 1985, 2-years before ALMS was birthed. Missionary James learned the Logistics of running Short-Term Trips under the tutelage of YWAM Leadership. YWAM since, has produced in Haiti a Gigantic Ministry holding weekly Services of Thousands inside a Football Stadium situated on YWAM-HAITI BASE which conducts Bi-Annual DTS's (6-month Discipleship Training School) and other Programs/Ministries for Haitians in the town of San Marc and abroad. This YWAM Base also has a local Prison Ministry, where Missionaries are always welcomed to share the Word. For More Info go to:
MISSION E4 ALMS provides HAITI INFO-PAKS to ME4, for Bi-Annual Trips to Haiti. Missionary James had the privilege of co-laboring as a Team Leader with Pastor Scott Long, the Founder of MissionE4 in Worcester, MA. Pastor Long was the Director of the NEW MISSIONS BASE in Haiti for 3-years. MISSION E4 also conducts Short-Term Trips to KOSOVA, ALBANIA, CHINA and SOUTH ASIA. For More Information, please visit their web-site at:
NEW MISSIONS Missionary James is a New Missions Representative. ALMS has conducted several trips to this Mission Compound, using NM as our Short-Term Base of Operations back in the late 80's and early 90's. NM-Main Office is located in FL. The NM-Haiti Base is located in the town of Leogone. NM is beautifully situated on a sandy Coast-Line, surrounded by lush scenery and plains. NM does Mission Work in Haiti and Dominican Republic, a great place to stay. For More Info, go to:
NEW RIVER FELLOWSHIP The Senior Pastor of this Church is the contemporary Christian Artist, named, Michael W. Smith, near Nashville, TN. Pastors Smith & Raphael Giglio approved/hired ALMS to lead NRF on their very 1st Missions Trip ever, to Haiti in 2004. Anna Smith (Michaels' Daughter) came along with ALMS for her very 1st Missions Trip ever! Our Base Of Operations was New Missions (see above). Pastor Raphael became both a Pastor and Worship Leader at Zarephath Community Church in Zarephath, NJ. Raphael is now Senior Pastor at Long Branch Fellowship Church in NJ. For more Info about NRF, please visit their web-site at: To contact Pastor Raphael, please visit church web-site at: You may also contact Pastor Raphael Giglio on FB as well:
PROVIDENCE GUEST HOUSE Rick and Sandra Sowers ran this Missionary Guest House in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti for 10-years until they Retired. Rick and Sandra Sowers first became involved with Haiti, by going on a Short-Term Trip that Missionary James started conducting back in 1988 at the Abundant Life Christian Center where they went to church at the time. Since several Short-Term Trips, the Sowers retired, sold all that they had and started a Ministry in Haiti, the Providence Guest House. The PGH is situated just 1-mile from the Port-Au-Prince Air-Port. PGH is thee place to stay! For Info, contact Rick Sowers at:
ABUNDANT LIFE CHRISTIAN CENTER ALMS was birthed at this church ALCC, where Missionary James attended regularly for several years. Missionary James led ALCC on its First Missions Trip ever! ALMS led Short-Term Trips every year for 5-years which trained up past Leaders, Joel and Wendy Goldstein. Joel has continued the on-going Haiti Ministry. For More Information regarding the work that Joel is doing in Haiti, please contact JOEL GOLDSTIEN at: [email protected]. Pastor Scott also frequents Haiti to minister to fellow Haitian Pastors. For more info,: (732) 355-0225 or go to:
Recommended Books and DVD's
A Classic True Missionary Drama
Winner of “Best Film of the Year” Award from Christian Film Distribution Association.
In 1732, 2-young Moravian Missionaries left their comfortable German community of Hernhut, being convinced that they were called of God to bring the Gospel to the slaves in the West Indies. They went, were willing to become slaves if necessary to minister to an oppressed people.
The Moravians pioneered a Mission movement characterized by an extraordinary commitment. Under the dynamic leadership of thee Count Nikolaus Von-Zinzendorf, the Moravians sent out more missionaries in 20 years than all the other Protestant groups had in 200-years. They are driven by 2-very strong convictions:
World Evangelization is the number one primary obligation of the Church
That every member of the Christian community has same responsibility
First Fruits unfolds the many sufferings which these two-young men had to endure for their Missionary zeal and the agony of their small community in deciding to send them forth at a time when missions to heathen masses were unthinkable among most Protestants. You will especially marvel over the “first fruits” of their ministry and the impact of their historic vision on the course of future Christian generations.
A Classic True Missionary Drama
Filmed in the unspoiled jungles of Southwest Pacific, Peach Child dramatically portrays the startling reaction of stone-age people to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Don and Carol Richardson respond to the call of Christ. Careful preparation for their mission and a journey by dug-out canoe bring them to a remote rain forest inhabited by some of the world's most primitive people. Painstakingly, they learn the language only to be shocked when the story of Judas' betrayal of Jesus makes him a hero to a people whose highest attribute is to be masters of treachery.
When inter-tribal warfare breaks out, the battles continue until a warring chief offers his son as a means of bringing peace. This primitive tribal custom makes the Gospel so understandable. Many lives are changed. A Church appears.
Peach Child is a very exceptional movie that blends ferocious inter-tribal betrayal and warfare with expert cinematography, where real Christian compassion triumphs. All of this is portrayed in a dramatic re-creation of a classic missionary success story based on real-life characters with miraculous and divinely inspired events.
*Note: This film contains some brief nudity in the native fashion.