Statement Of Faith
We believe in One God, whose Triune nature has been revealed in 3-Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that God is Love. We believe that God is the Creator and from a Heart of Love freely Created all things, both Visible, Invisible and for His good pleasure. (Gen 18:1-9) (Mat 28:19) JESUS We believe that Jesus was, is and will always be God and Co-Created all things! We believe that Jesus left Heaven, Humbled Himself by becoming 100% True-man, yet retaining 100% His Divinity. We believe that Jesus was not an Angel, nor Michael the Arch-Angel and that Jesus created the Angels as well. We believe that Jesus was not created by God the Father, but is co-equal to Father and the Holy Spirit, both in Divinity and Nature. We Believe that Jesus was without Sin. We believe in the Jesus of the Bible. HOLY SPIRIT We believe that the Holy-Spirit was, is and will always be God and also Co-Created all things! We believe the Holy-Spirit is a Person and not a Force or a Power. We believe that the Holy-Spirit indwells all Believers, leads, guides and administers gifts to all believers and even assists believers in prayer. CREATION We believe that God (Father, Son, Holy-Spirit) created the Heavens, the Earth and all that is therein, in 6-Literal 24-hour days, approximately 6,000-years ago! EVOLUTION We believe that Evolution is a complete utter fraud that is not based upon Empirical Science, but upon Myth, Fairy-Tales, Innuendo, outright Deception and is but a Theory, and a poor one at that. That is why it is called the: Theory Of Evolution. We Believe in a Young Earth (approx. 6,000-years old) and not in Old-Ages. We believe that God created the Heavens and Earth in 6-Literal Days and that the Creator's Intelligent Design is abundantly, apparently and everywhere clear, throughout all of His Creation. BIBLE We believe the Bible to be the Holy Inspired Word of God, perfect in it's original Languages and Autographs. We believe that the Bible has been faithfully and Accurately Translated, as evidenced by the Dead Sea Scrolls. We believe the Bible to be Authoritative in all matters of Doctrines and sufficient for godliness and is profitable for training, Instruction, correction, learning, edification and to make one ready for every good work. SATAN We believe that Satan is a real being. We believe that Satan is an Angel that was created as good, with a Free-Will, sometime before the Creation of Man and that all Angels, including Satan/Lucifer, witnessed that Creation of God. We believe that Satan's name, before His Fall was Lucifer. We believe Satan to be the Arch Enemy of God and the Saints, those who truly belong to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. We believe that Satan, along with all other Fallen Angels, will be ultimately defeated by God and eventually cast into the Lake of Fire and there, will be tormented day and night forever and ever, who will bow their knees and confess that Jesus is indeed, Lord, Creator and God SIN We believe that Sin and Death entered into the World as a result of Adam and Eve's Sin against God. As a result, ALL men are Born with a Sin Nature and that No one can remedy Man's Sin, except God, through the work of His only begotten Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus was, is and always will be God, who Created all things. We believe that God became fully Man, without Sin and that Man was Jesus, who suffered, was Crucified to Death on a Cross for our Sins, so that ALL Men could have equal opportunity and access to His Free Gift of Salvation, if only Man would humble Himself and simply Believe who Jesus said He was. We believe that Salvation is by His Grace and His Faith that He deposited into us by His Spirit, even enabling us to believe. We believe that No Man will be justified by His own Good-Works, by some other Man's Good-Works or Decrees, nor by the keeping of any Law, for man is incapable of being without Sin, for His very Nature (dna) has become corrupt, via Sin. DEATH We believe that Death, decay, suffering entered this world through the Sin of Adam and Eve and not a day before. Dead Fossils do not prove Long-Ages of Death, decay and suffering, but only prove that Fossils were once alive and died. We believe that Death is an enemy and most likely an Angel, a literal being, who, in God's Time, will be eventually destroyed. RESURRECTION We believe that exactly 72-hours after Jesus was placed into the tomb, that 3-Days and 3-Nights later, Jesus literally Rose from the Dead and Bodily Ascended into Heaven, sat down at the Right Hand of God (returning from whence He came), in the presence of 500-Witnesses or more! We believe that this same Jesus which ascended, will one-day literally Return to this earth to Reign as it's King for 1,000 years, whose Kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Great White Throne Judgment of the Resurrected Dead, after the 1,000-year reign of Christ, when Satan is loosed one final time, to try those who have yet to be tried and tested under God's Rule. We believe in 2-Distinct Resurrections of both the Wicked (unrepentant who rejected God) and the Righteous (repentant sinners grace, through no means of their own, who simply accepted, believed and trusted Jesus to save them). HEAVEN We Believe that Jesus literally Ascended back into Heaven, from whence He came. We believe in a literal Heaven where God dwells with Angels with saved souls who have departed this earth upon death and are awaiting to receive their New Bodies as they return with Jesus at His Second Coming. We believe that His Heavenly Kingdom shall come to this earth, that His will shall be done and that one-day Heaven shall come to earth and the twain shall never depart again. HELL We believe that Hell is a literal place and that Hell was originally created for the Devil and His Fallen Angels, but many Humans will join them there by their own choosing, since God is willing that no man should perish and has equal opportunity and access, via free-will, unto Repentance and His Free-Gift of Salvation. We believe Scripture Teaches that Jesus (who said He was the Way, Truth, Life) enlightens every man that comes into this world, providing ample opportunity to hear the Truth, and to Accept Him, who is the Way, Truth and Life, or to Reject Him, with eyes wide opened. BAPTISM We believe in the Baptism of Water and in the Baptism of the Spirit. We do not believe that one has to be Baptized before or after Salvation for Salvation to be genuine and accepted of God, but that all true Believers should, in obedience to Jesus and His Word, be Water Baptized as soon as is possible, after Salvation. We do not Believe in Infant Baptism, nor does Scripture, Jesus, the Apostles, early Church fathers or true Christian History teaches such. GIFTS We believe that God can and does still do Miracles and Healing and that the Gifts of the Spirit are still in operation today. We do believe that such Gifts will be done away with, when.... "That which is perfect has come" ......meaning that...... When Christ Jesus, that perfect one shall come and sets up His perfect Kingdom, in perfect Peace, that will try men to perfection by the end of His Millennial Reign, then will those Gifts and Prophecies cease to exist. . We do not believe that Scripture interprets this verse that says, "that which is perfect has already come", as being fulfilled "when the Bible was completed into 1-Book". Scripture is clear that the the Gifts will be in operation: "Until He Comes" and will cease when: "All those destined, shall come to the Unity of the Faith". Then & only then, will the Gifts cease to exist. VIRGIN BIRTH We believe that Mary was a literal historic person who in fact did give Birth to God-Incarnate. We believe that Mary, according to Scripture, was a sinner, like all other women before her and after her. For proof that Mary was a sinner, read Luke 1:47 where Mary herself testifies that GOD was her Saviour. If Mary was without sin, Mary did not know it. Why would Mary cal God her Savior? Only Sinners need a Saviour. Now, compare Leviticus 12:6 with Luke 2:22-24. and we shall see Mary offering a Sacrifice to the Temple Priest, as a Sin Offering, for Her Sins.. Finally, we have a testimony from Jesus in 2-ways. First notice that Jesus is never recorded in scripture as calling Mary "Mother", but instead, called her "Woman" only! Second, we see Jesus in Luke 11:27-28 rebuking a woman in the crowd, for worshiping Mary. Therefore, we believe proper acknowledgment should be given to Mary, that scripture assigns to her, and that is, to say, Mary was blessed among all other women, for she was favored to give Birth to the Promised Messiah. We also believe everything Mary said in Scripture, who basically said, time and again, "Do what He says" and "Obey Him", referring to Jesus! Finally, we do not believe that Mary was born immaculate, for reasons stated above and that Mary was not a Perpetual Virgin, since Mary had 4-Boys and at least 2-girls after the Virgin Birth of Jesus, as evidenced in Matthew 13:55-56 accordingly.: DENOMINATIONS ALMS is a Non-Denominational Organization. We are not opposed to Denominations, just those minor Doctrines that cause Division, Sows Discord amongst Brethren and those that clearly contradict the Word of God. ALMS has worked with various Denominations over the past 25-years and Invite Brethren from all Christian Denominations to freely participate in an ALMS Missions Trip accordingly. |
Abundant Life Missionary Services